Aircurrents NFT Mint Companion
commissioned project
Deployed Solidity Contracts to the Ethereum blockchain and built a companion website to mint and manage NFT tokens. This project has been shelved by the client.
Key Points
1. Created an ERC-721 Contract to mint 2222 NFTs.
2. Built a companion app to showcase and mint these NFTs.
3. Unlike regular .jpeg or .png NFT, Aircurrents NFTs are generative artworks. (ie) they are generated in realtime by code. p5js visualization library was used to render the art. The random seed which dictates the uniqueness of each art was hashed and embedded in the token.
4. Since the artworks are generated in realtime, they are interactable. The companion website is full of interesting demos showcasing the creative design elements behind these artworks.
A dummy archive of the companion website is hosted now.