Quiz Me Unlimited
personal project
A mobile trivia app with questions from varied categories and online PvP multiplayer battled. Built with Flutter by Google.
Key Features
1. Once the user logs in, .
2. On the Expenses page, the user can add expense entries. They can see past expenses and also get meaningful graphs to see their spending habits.
3. On the Chores page, user can add tasks and track their completion. They can also create recurring tasks, which upon completion will be recreated automatically after a certain period. For example, a task to do lawnmoving can be set to repeat every 3 months.
4. On the Reminders page, they can add reminders. The user will be notified on the set date and time.
5. On the Shopping List page, user can add items that need to be bought from store. They can view pending items and check it off easily after procuring it.
6. On the Habits page, the user will be able to add habits and track their progress. The habits can be either constructive (good habit) or destructive (bad habit). Each habit can be marked when done. The user can also track the total time duration that they have spent to perform the habit. The user can also track their habit streak.